A blog which periodically revisits evergreen investment principles!

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Does your Chair have your back?

All of humanity’s problems stem from man’s inability to sit quietly in a room alone.

― Blaise Pascal

I have often marvelled at the simple logic of this statement. As investors we seem to value the importance of not doing anything, from time to time, but sitting in a room is easier said than done especially if the chair is uncomfortable. 

What we talk about when we talk about scale

“If the world operates as one big market, every employee will compete with every person anywhere in the world who is capable of doing the same job.”

– Andy Grove, High Output Management

One of the truly inspiring books for me personally, has been a non-fiction book written by the Japanese novelist Haruki Murakami. It’s called, What I talk about when I talk about running. It’s a very unique book. You can get a taste here in case you choose to skip reading the whole book.

My Book of the Year – 2017

“Reason is a slave of the passions.”

– David Hume.

The most amazing advantage of reading books is that from time to time we get an opportunity to be blown away by an idea or an approach towards a topic. We see this being mentioned again & again. Like Buffett being influenced by  “The Intelligent Investor” or Tim Cook being moved by  “Competing Against Time” or the famous Jeff Bezos’ Reading list & so on.

The beauty of being influenced by books is that it can be never ending. It leads to opening up of more unexpected avenues of learning, about ourselves & the world.

Productivity Tools for Investors #4

Go here for #1, #2 & #3
Note taking has evolved quite significantly in the recent past. With the introduction of the iPad Pro & Microsoft Surface tablet series, we have a whole new range of productivity tools at our disposal.
But why do we need it? What’s wrong with just pen & paper?
The problem with handwritten notes…

Tu Tera Dekh…

A lot has been said about cloning in investing but a lot is left unsaid. Cloning is interesting because it exposes us to new investment ideas. Cloning becomes dangerous when we use it to clone someone’s process.

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