A blog which periodically revisits evergreen investment principles!

Tag: Emotions

Does your Chair have your back?

All of humanity’s problems stem from man’s inability to sit quietly in a room alone.

― Blaise Pascal

I have often marvelled at the simple logic of this statement. As investors we seem to value the importance of not doing anything, from time to time, but sitting in a room is easier said than done especially if the chair is uncomfortable. 

The Infrastructure and Investing


Source: Image from the film “Sully”

No one has ever trained for an incident like that.

– Captain Chesley “Sully” Sullenberger (Sully, 2016)

I watched the film Sully, recently. It’s a story about something that happened in USA, why should it really matter to us? After watching the film I realise how much we underrate the importance of the infrastructure that is around us. In direct relation to the film, The safety board, the aviation unions, the emergency services, the ATC crew, the flight crew. The image, sourced from the film, attests to the fact that it does take a collective effort to make things work smoothly.

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