The Tortoise Speaks...

A blog which periodically revisits evergreen investment principles!

Great Conversations

True history of the world is the history of great conversations.

– Tyrion Lannister (Game of Thrones)

Great Conversations: A Pensive Tyrion, Picture from HBO

A Pensive Tyrion, Picture from HBO

If you have caught up with the last week’s episode of Game of Thrones, you’d have noticed Tyrion drop this line. It’s one of those moments when life connects with art.

Is New Really Better?

Is New Really Better?

The fundamental impulse that sets and keeps the capitalist engine in motion comes from the consumer’s goods, the new methods of production or transportation, the new markets, the new forms of industrial organization, that capitalist enterprise creates.

– Joseph Schumpeter

I love Apple products. But that’s not what this post is about. It’s about a very interesting concept which we all fall prey to at some point in time. We (humans) always crave new experiences. In fact as Schumpeter says in the quote above, making new things is a sign of growth. What he doesn’t mention there & is perhaps hidden between the lines is that it only works when we’ve mastered the other things we’re previously good at. New for him meant incremental.


Learning Business from Moby Dick

“We’re in the oil business & as in any business the probability of success must always be greater than the risk incurred.”

- sourced from Google Images

– sourced from Google Images

These were the words of Captain George Pollard from the Ron Howard film, “In the Heart of the Sea”.

The Ultimate Productivity Tool (for investors)

The Ultimate Productivity Tool (for investors)

Before I go into the why, here’s the what –

The Ultimate Productivity Tool for an Investor, surprisingly, is “Commuting

I have been working out of an office for the past 7 years now, which means, each day I spend 1 hr 20 mins one way (door to door). Fortunately I don’t have to juggle multiple modes of transport. In the beginning this routine was non-intrusive, then it became a nuisance & then suddenly it became invisible.

Investing post-retirement

Annuities vs DIY Investing post retirement

The tax on EPF has been rolled back. That does not however conclude the debate as to whether annuities make any sense from a post retirement perspective and whether there should be some nudge or compulsion to purchase annuities.

Most of the opposition to annuities comes from people who compare returns from annuities to Fixed Deposits / Tax Free Bonds etc. and point out to the fact that the returns from annuities seem to be somewhat lower.

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